Online Content

12 Nov

Online mediums have made it quite easy for those with internet access to quickly obtain information, whether it be breaking news or gossip. Today many journalists use Twitter and other forms of social media as a platform for making the news  more interactive.

As both an aspiring journalist and young adult, I love being able to turn to the internet for immediate information. I also accredit this to being apart of the “microwave” or now generation.

However, I do not want to receive all news/media content from the world wide web. Take, for example, magazines.I have been subscribing to Seventeen since middle school. When I go home for breaks, I anticipate flipping through the pages of its most recent publication. Although Seventeen has not completely transformed into a full fledged online magazine, its website has material that tides its readers over between each monthly issue.

Personally, I find print magazines more appeasing because of their tangibility.

Also, I wonder if the lines between what is considered magazine and newspaper will become more blurred as these publications take to the internet. It seems as though people will not be able to differentiate between the two. This further feeds into the idea that print journalism is fading away altogether.

As I continue to pursue my journalism degree, I feel that it is vital to be knowledgable of all things multimedia since the field is becoming more technologically savvy.

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